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IFTF Foresight Talk: Curating the End of the World
IFTF Foresight Talk: Imaginable—How to Be Fearless in Realizing a World with Possibilities
IFTF Foresight Talk: Immersive Storytelling for Future Scenarios with Daz Chandler
Curating the End of the World & Creating New Futures #AFROFUTURISM 2.0
IFTF Foresight Talk: Foresight for Evolving Global Security
IFTF Foresight Talk: The Capacity to Decolonize with Geci Karuri-Sebina
IFTF Foresight Talk: From Chanel to the Paris Metropolis— Raphaële Bidault-Waddington
IFTF Foresight Talks: Designing Experiences for Higher Quality Foresight
IFTF Foresight Talk: How to Build Brave New Worlds
IFTF Foresight Talk: Contextualizing Foresight Tools to Interrogate Gender Norms, Mexico & Guatemala
IFTF Foresight Talk: Speculative Futures: Designing with the Future in Mind with Doc Martens
IFTF Foresight Talk: Navigating the Tech Storm with Nicklas Bergman